Undergraduate research assistants & mentored research
We are not currently considering new applications for undergraduate research assistants.
Undergraduate Honors students
Honors projects in the lab span one year while enrolled in HONS 3300/4300. Students completing an empirical study using data are expected to complete an advanced statistics course before starting or during their first thesis semester. Students review literature on a topic, and then answer their own research question using our data. Honors students in the lab are encouraged and supported in examining their own research questions with the data we have available. These questions should be related to developmental psychopathology, mental health promotion, and/or research methods. We encourage prospective Honors students to consult this website to identify whether their interests align with the lab.
We support students who want to pursue publication of their thesis in a scientific journal and can mentor them through the process after graduation. However, publishing the thesis is not expected and is based on students’ goals. Students who have been RAs in the lab will be given priority, but having been an RA in the lab is not a requirement.
If you are interested in completing your Honors research project with us, please email to Dr. Rioux:
- A brief description of your interest in the lab
- Your resume/CV
- A sample of your writing (can be a class paper)
- Your transcripts.
Graduate research assistants
We are not currently accepting applications for graduate research assistants.
Graduate students
Dr. Rioux can consider applications from students interested in conducting a masters thesis in human sciences under her supervision and will also consider requests for co-supervision for theses and dissertations in other programs. Email her with your interests and request to discuss possibilities.
Postdoctoral scholars
We do not currently have openings for funded postdoctoral positions.
If you would like to explore a postdoc funded through fellowships, please reach out to Dr. Rioux directly by email (charlie.rioux [at] ttu.edu). Note that these fellowships usually require application one year before starting the position, with at least a few months needed to prepare a competitive application. It is never too early to start planning and reach out.
- Dr. Rioux can support US fellowships such the NSF postdoctoral fellowship, the NIH F32, or the Ford Foundation fellowship. These fellowships are restricted to US citizens and permanent residents.
- Dr. Rioux can also support Canadian fellowships, including the Banting fellowship, the SSHRC fellowship, the CIHR fellowship, and provincial fellowships that support international training (e.g., FRQ-S, FRQ-SC in Quebec). These fellowships are restricted to citizens/residents of the country/province when applying to train in the US.
- If you are from another country and would like to apply to a fellowship allowing you to train internationally, reach out to Dr. Rioux with the details.